Customize your touch pad’s sensitivity to prevent accidental contact, modify “tap and drag” functions and even activate virtual scrolling to enable vertical and horizontal scrolling with just a brush of your finger.ĪlienSenseTM - This facial-recognition software identifies numerous distinguishing features, utilizing the M11x’s webcam to read and verify biometric measurements that cannot be faked or stolen like a typed password. By placing programs like AlienFusion and AlienFXTM in a single, user-friendly interface, you gain more control over your system.ĪlienFXTM - This unique lighting system lets you choose from an array of color and transition effects across six distinct zones, including the AlienwareTM logo, keyboard, touchpad and more.ĪlienFusion Power Management - Access your M11x’s power-management controls so you can decide when you need maximum performance or when to scale back for more everyday programs, which can increase energy efficiency.ĪlienTouch - Take advantage of advanced touch pad controls with AlienTouch. Then download/install the latest version of Alienware Command Center over the current installation (without uninstalling it) and check if the issue is resolved. Alienware Command Center houses all of the custom software for your M11x. Exit the Alienware Command Center and make sure no process related to it runs in the Task Manager of your system (as discussed in solution 1).